Orji Kalu adamant, says nothing will stop him from contesting for Deputy Senate President

Former Abia State Governor, Orji Uzor Kalu, has said that he wound not bow to any pressure in his quest to run for the position of Deputy Senate President.

According to him, even his party, All Progressive Congress, APC would not stop his ambition.

He disclosed this when he appeared on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily on Thursday.

“Let me be honest with you even if the party asks me not to run, I will run on the floor of the House, this is one position I have to run for because you cannot leave the Southeast alone, you can’t leave them behind,” Kalu said.

He noted that giving Southeast the position is in line with principle of equity.

“We are in the process of doing the right thing and the East will be given a place in the scheme of things. I am asking that the East should be given the Deputy Senate President.

“There is a high level of discussions about that and I’m sure that by partisan it would be a law in the House,” he added.

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